Sunday 6 March 2011

Update: 6/3/11

Soooo, hey! ^_^
I'm in a pretty good mood!!!! Which is very different from the usual. Don't worry there is a reason behind this insanity!
I am getting my braces removed tomorrow so I will have ONE day without metal on my teeth until tuesday (the day after) where Im getting my retainers. I really don't want retainers, I've had them before and I HATED them, they gave me a lisp, I couldn't eat, sleep or drink with them on and they were very uncomfortable to swallow with them on, basically it was just awful. i really don't know what will happen with them but I'll keep you posted! Im scared about getting the metal retainers though because I really want the clear ones which i've seen a lot of people talk about getting them at their dentist. With my lovely luck I'll probably not get the pretty clear ones and be stuck with the metal ones which everyone can see. Braces have so much attachment to getting them. But it's worth it for a pretty smile which one day I might be proud of. If any of you want me to do a blog talking about braces or retainers or my experience with them, comment below!
Now I'm off to read Harry Potter no.5
Goodnight, Much Love, S, xoxo