Monday 14 February 2011

I'm Not Dead! Today's Topic- Valentines Day

Hi...I know I know it's been ages. Well I was getting zero response on my posts so I thought why should I bother to write these updates if no one takes the time to read them. So anyway, I was a little ticked off but it's a whatever topic now so I'm just gonna continue to write my 'blog' although I think of it more as a diary. So my update post is about half written, It should be the next one up hopefully. But i have a LOT to update you on so it's taking a while.

Valentines day, ugh. Mental sigh. It's the day where everyone is disappointed, those who don't have a partner, watch sad movies and eat a ton, therefore gaining a pound. And those who do have partners struggle to live up to the ungodly standards of the stupid day. Maybe a lot of people love valentines day, I hate it, I've always had incredibly bad luck with love, especially on valentines day. My first ever boyfriend broke up with me just before valentines day to go out with his ex and on valentines day he asked me if he think she'd like the flowers he got her. I wanted it to be me. I think my eating disorder has affected my "relationships" very harshly.
I hate to go on and on about valentines day like a physchotic bitch who is making other feel bad because she doesn't have a boyfriend, a.k.a me. There actually is a guy I really like. I haven't liked someone this much in a longgg time. I feel sparks where our arms brush against eachother. I blush profusely when people ask if I like him and even more when I have to talk about him. I can't help but stare at him. Oh and I'm not a stalker, he knows who I am, we just don't really talk much. He is kind of a jerk to be totally honest, but he's funny and cute. I'm trying my hardest not to like him because I know he doesn't like me back. But it's really difficult. When I fall for a guy I fall HARD and bloody quickly at that. I know once again a major flaw in my personality and another awful aspect of my already bleak life.

Please take the time to comment telling me how your spending your valentines day :)
Love S,

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