Saturday 18 December 2010


Hi... didn't expect me to blog again did you? Probably not. I'm kind of annoyed, i have no blog followers and no comments for any of my blog posts, i wonder if anyone even reads the posts i write? It would be nice to know if im simply wasting my time with this.

So it's been almost a year, a lot has changed and a lot has stayed the same.

Things that have Changed:
I moved countries and school
I actually TRY at school
I have made friends
My grandma died
I haven't purged in 6+ months
I'm slowly starting to find happiness

Things that have stayed the Same:
I still like to starve myself
I started to cut again, the last time i had cut was my last blog post (1 year ago!)
I don't go a day without thinking about my weight
I'm still depressed
I still am a nervous wreck and anxious all the time
I still isolate myself from others on a regular basis

BUT THE GOOD NEWS is that im eating normally and have been for a few months, and what i mean by eating normally is that i have to eat at the school and most of the time i succeed in eating without purging, but then i turn to cutting. I am trying to cope with gaining weight, unsuccessfully i must say but i can cope with staying the same weight if the weight is under 7 and a half stone.

So i hope to keep updating this blog regularly, that is if i get some freakin' response people! (hint hint!)

If you have PrettyThin feel free to add me and we could talk, im ana_fairy on there :)


1 comment:

  1. Hello there :)
    I just started following you privately, im not really sure what comes up where and stuff, but just to be safe, given my history with anorexia and family membrs stumbling across my blog. Anyways, i just thought I'd let you know that someone is following you and reading your blog posts :)
    I started today, and I have a feeling I won't want to continue posting if I feel no one is reading. Perhaps check out my blog? :)
    much love! xx
