Monday 20 December 2010

Christmas With An Eating Disorder

So since it's almost christmas and people with eating disorder's feel the pressure even more than most other holidays. It's a time where most families join together and have one big christmas meal. I never enjoyed this, every year i can never escape this horrid tradition, i mean if i said no to the food and had a yoghurt or something my family would immediately know something was up. They would have no doubt in their mind and would send me straight to get checked into a hospital. Since i already am one of the baby's of the family.
For christmas aside from presents, the whole day leads up to the christmas meal, we have it around the middle of the day, in between lunch and dinner, there is a ton of food and as you can probably tell, i am dreading it. I going to start practising my purging, just for the christmas day meal, it will be hard but there is no way im going to gain weight over the christmas holiday and come back to school in january a few pounds or even half a stone heavier! No freakin' way!
So my advice to people struggling with their ed over christmas, maybe it's your first christmas with an ed or maybe your spending it with lots of food this year, i suggest you to treat it like any other day and any other meal. Since for christmas dinners there is always i wide selection of food, put very small amount of everything on your plate, if anyone asks questions, say you want to try everything. Don't eat too little that your family will become suspicious but not too much that you will want to purge or cut.
Remember, treatment will make you gain a lot more weight than one christmas meal will.

Much Love, Sophie xoxo

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