Sunday 19 December 2010


So dinner would you say it...WRETCHED!
We had mashed potato, carrots, chicken & stuffing. For drinks i had orange juice, i would have asked for water but they had made juice for everyone and it was already on the table when i got there. I avoided desert and had a cup of tea-no sugar, and a biscuit.
I didn't purge when i came home or cut my wrists because ive been very busy with just sooo many things. I was feeling bad for a while but i had a talk with my dad, not about my ed but about christmas and school and i feel a lot better, i really love my dad, he's my rock, the person i turn to when i need help and i hope to God he'll be here when i crash and burn.

What's everyone asking for, for christmas. I need some ideas of what to get people! :)

Much Love, Sophie xoxo

1 comment:

  1. awh that sounds like a nightmare. :'(
    I know how bad family dinners can be. I'm dreading Christmas day family dinner my mum always cooks so much there's no way I'll be able to stick to my plan. They're always watching what I eat and take any moment to comment on how little I'm eating and jump at the opportunity to ram more food down my throat. I hate it!

    As for ideas... because I'm so skint this year I'm making gingerbread men. two for each person and decorating each one with writing icing so that they're personalised.
    I've also made some Christmas decorations for some people. if you want to know how googles a good place to find instructions.
    I've also brought 2011 calenders for some people with pictures they'll love.

    hope you're okay.
    Stay strong.
