Sunday 19 December 2010

I Have A Follower!!

I finally have a blog follower, so excited about that, LOL!

So as far as updates go i have to go to a family dinner tonight which i am very unhappy about, i like to stay as far away from food as i can, and this is NOT helping!
I'm on my "time of the month thing" which makes me feel bloated, hungry all the time and FAT! Which is why ive chosen to not weigh myself this morning, but im about to take a shower so i will then, once i get back from the dinner i will weigh myself again and see if there's a big difference, that will decipher if i chose to cut myself or not.

Who's excited for xmas? NOT ME
Unfortunately it just reminds me how my dad is not bothered to put up decorations or buy my christmas presents and its just a rubbish depressing day all together.

Will update you all later today, much love
xoxo sophie

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